Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Living the dream

Cat pooped on the floor, child barfed on the huge Tibetan rug in the dining room, cat ate some of said barf and I literally had just told Tom, who is away for work at a resort like setting, that I was 'living my dream' and I was serious(I was trying to be upbeat about my crazy life.) How's that for a kick in the mother-effing ass.

Good morning to you


  1. Yeah, I had to laugh. It was so pathetic.

  2. Totally LOL. Awesome dude. Good morning to you as well.

  3. Ugh. Kids and pets...the unpredictable double punch!

  4. Ick! When the cat pukes over here, she is all Ken's cat....when she's cute and cuddly....she's all mine!!
